G.W.M. Reynolds Society

Reynolds Portrait
Reynolds’s portrait. Source: Reynolds’s Miscellany, I/1 (7 Nov. 1846): front page

The international G.W.M. Reynolds Society exists to promote the enjoyment and study of the work of G.W.M. Reynolds. 

Best-selling fiction writer and rival to Dickens, Chartist, radical, newspaper editor, and entrepreneur, Reynolds was famous (or perhaps infamous) in his day. Although he is less well-known now, his reputation has been growing for some time. Emerging out of a collaboration between the University of Roehampton, London, UK, and DePaul University, Chicago, US, the Reynolds Society aims to bring Reynolds even more to the attention of the wider public and scholarly community.

Initially, the Reynolds Society will facilitate connections between those reading and studying Reynolds, through its database of scholars and experts, and the blog. In the future, this activity may lead to events and collaborations such as the 2014 bicentenary event ‘Remarkable Reynolds,’ held in London at Westminster Archives Centre.

Do join us! See ‘How to Join‘ for details of how to get in touch.